Welcome to the “Innovative SOft SkilLs to Maritime Education and Training” EU Project’s website
What is iSOL-MET?
iSOL-MET is a European project, funded by the Erasmus+ program under section KA2-Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices (2014-2020) that promoted cooperation between six countries: France, Bulgaria, Turkey, Romania, Poland and Greece. The overall objective of the iSOL-MET project is to bridge the gap between shipping world requirements, in respect to human resources soft skills and competences, through developing innovative educational material on the case study methodology.
In this context iSOL-MET aims to:
- Bridge the gap between shipping world requirements in respect to human resources soft skills and competences, through developing innovative educational material based on the case study methodology
- Bridge the needs of maritime professionals for ongoing career opportunities even after completing their sea service on board
- Bridge the experience gap of maritime universities’ students in respect to the on-board operations and the shipping practices.
- Exchange best practices and cultural awareness on maritime education and shipping issues.
Project addresses the needs of the students for obtaining the required skills for entering the shipping market and provides to educators new educational tools. Furthermore, addresses the needs of the shipping industry for qualified personnel.
To achieve the aforementioned objective iSOL-MET will produce:
- Maritime skills courses for multidisciplinary and multicultural groups of students: a comprehensive course program that will integrate International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) model course guidelines, practice-oriented, to link theory and practice through using maritime case studies, for cultivating specific soft skills
- Maritime Case Study Handbook: a collection of all case studies identified and analyzed during project’ lifetime. Case studies will be identified in close collaboration with the industry and will constitute an integrated educational material, designed to address current soft skills gaps, while providing to the educators with useful material in respect to the content and the teaching methods
- Guidelines for the development of soft skills educational material: a practical set of recommendations to course designers in developing, conducting and evaluating a course focusing on soft skills using cases studies.
- Soft skills evaluation tools: a set of tools that an educator or a manager can use for evaluating the soft skills competences of students or employees. The aim is the creation of an Assessment Center for systematizing the process of soft skills evaluation, through case studies.. Assessment Center will link the academia with the business world since, the case studies developed in combination with designed assessment tools could be used in the shipping industry for assessing the competences of existing employees or for recruitment reasons.
- University of the Aegean (Lead), Greece
- Conference des Regions Peripheriques maritimes d’Europe – Association, France
- Nikola Yonkov Vaptsarov Naval Academy, Bulgaria
- T. C. Piri Reis Universitesi, Turkey
- Universitatea Maritima Din Constanta, Romania
- Akademia Morska W Szczecinie AM, Poland
- PPP Learn Single Member Private Capital Company, Greece
i.SOL-MET has 36 months duration and received funding under the European program Erasmus + KA2 / Key Action 2: Strategic Partnerships.
Latest News
- iSOL-MET: Soft skills in IMLADuring IMLA (International Maritime Lecturers Association) GENERAL MEETING in the framework… Read more: iSOL-MET: Soft skills in IMLA
- IO3: Guidelines for using case studies as training material for the development of soft skillsTeaching soft skills through case studies demands special teaching skills… Read more: IO3: Guidelines for using case studies as training material for the development of soft skills
- iSOL-MET @ IMLA ConferenceVenue: Nikola Yonkov Vaptsarov Naval Academy – Filii maris sumus… Read more: iSOL-MET @ IMLA Conference
- Final Transnational Project MeetingVenue: Department of Shipping Trade and Transport – University of… Read more: Final Transnational Project Meeting
- Dissemination EventVenue: Department of Shipping Trade and Transport – University of… Read more: Dissemination Event
- iSOL-MET Final Multiplier EventVenue: Universitatea Maritimă din Constanța Partners from Constant MAritime University… Read more: iSOL-MET Final Multiplier Event
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